Saturday, February 6, 2010

I have learned to keep my desires, dreams and wishes to those who I KNOW support me. This way no one can prey on them. But i hate it, i listen to people, i support others and i can absolutely tell when someone has just discounted me.

i often wonder how successful people get where they are. They must believe in themselves. But most importantly is having someone who believes in you too. Encouragement and proper guidance, no, not proper but productive guidance is key. having someone who agrees with your every decision, even when you are wrong, or off the designated mark is not productive. however, that is what we gravitate towards. If we aren't preparing ourselves properly to take our place in life, then we are setting ourselves up for failures.

I once heard a very successful musician state "my father took us to try out for a group, in the middle of the performance, he stopped the try-out. Apologized to the judges and said they aren't ready. And we left. he did that several times, until we got it right." - Guess who.

Its never comfortable to be criticized, however if our personal support group won't do it.. the world will. So lets not push away the persons who are providing constructive criticism, in a loving way. Lets learn to listen to the content of the information provided and grow from it.

I feel that people are successful from guidance and support. Lets support each other.

what do you think?

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