Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Prescription

Yesterday I went to visit yet another doctor, and left with a prescription... I later went to the pharmacy. While standing in the drop off line.. i notice that there were allot of older people waiting in line to fill prescriptions, not unusual, right? I over heard the pharmacist tell an older lady how much her prescription would be the lady (astonished) said " I cannot afford that!" I paid it no attention and assumed they would work things out.. so i started reading twitter posts.. trying to ignore the situation in front of me..

It was now my turn... I handed the Pharmacist my Prescription paper:
Pharmacist: "Spell your name"
Rosslyn: isn't it written on the paper "R-o-s-s-l-y-n"
Pharmacist: "Your Address"
Rosslyn: I told her
Pharmacist: "Your number"
Rosslyn: I told her
Pharmacist: "Do you have your insurance card"
Rosslyn: I handed it over
Pharmacist: (entered information into the system) "Ummmmmm (no lie) this card has expired (handing it back to me) and if i call them its going to take some time (seriously) and there is a long line.. If you were going to pay for the prescription without insurance its $50.00 bucks"
Rosslyn: I looked behind me.. she wasn't lying "i have been using that card for the past two weeks .." ($50.00 bucks?? WHAT! I'm not paying $50.00)
Pharmacist: "I don't know what to tell you.. next. "
Rosslyn: (I'm being dismissed?) leaving with my head down..
I went home and retrieved the new card that was sent to me (I had forgotten I had a new card, but it had the same Grp and Mem numbers).. and returned back to the Pharmacy..

New Pharmacist: "May i help you... "
Rosslyn: "I was here a few minutes ago, and left the prescription..."
New Pharmacist: cutting me off "Name"
Rosslyn: "Rosslyn Ruffin"
New Pharmacist: "Ok, here it is... "
Rosslyn: (handed her the new card)
New Pharmacist: types in the information "you aren't covered for prescriptions."
Rosslyn: "that has to be a mistake."
New Pharmacist: "Nope.. (no lie).. that's was it says right here..." (pointing at the screen, that i can't see)
Rosslyn: "Please try again..."
New Pharmacist: "I don't think this covers your prescriptions, soooooo..
Rosslyn: "Sooooo.. that has to be a mistake.. (getting VERY angry now... ) Ill just pay the $50.00 bucks, because it was prescribed to me, which means i need it .. so Ill just pay. "
New Pharmacist: "Ok.. have it your way, you can go stand in the pickup line. Next."
Rosslyn: angrily walk to the pickup line. fuming I call my insurance carrier, immediately to explain the situation. They tell me, your prescription is now handled by someone else.. (this my fault for NOT paying close attention during open season, where is Tia when i need her) She transfers me to the provider, who gives me the new mem and group id numbers.. I walk back over the the drop off window...
Same New Pharmacist: who is talking to an older gentleman:Sir, you can pick your prescription up in 2 hours.."
Older Gentleman: reaching for his wallet
Same New Pharmacist: "Your prescription will be ready in two hours you can pay at that time."
Older Gentleman: still reaching for his wallet
Same New Pharmacist: (louder) "Sir, your prescription will not be ready for two hours.. 8pm. At that time you can pay.. you don't pay in advance here."
Older Gentleman: "Ok.. Thank you.. "
Same New Pharmacist: rolling her eyes.. no lie
Rosslyn: "you were right, my carrier for prescriptions has changed."
Same New Pharmacist: "I know i was right..."she puts the information into the system, I pop up.. "you can go to the pickup line."
$11.00 bucks...
The person in line behind me, in the pickup line.. was the woman who couldn't afford her prescriptions.. she had a family member meet her with additional money..

I share this to say.. I learned that my priorities so off, I pay for my medical coverage via my job which is a blessing these days just to have one.. and not a privilege.. there are so many people who can no longer afford it.. Now i would without hesitation pay $50.00 or more for a pair of shoes, clothing, bags etc... No problem!! But my prescription, i complained and made sure to obtained the necessary information to discount it.

I felt like a heel... especially when i heard the woman who couldn't afford her meds, explaining to the family member what happened.

People with jobs and health coverage are blessed.. and should thank God for it..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow...I still would've cuss'd that "New Pharmacist" out..