Saturday, January 30, 2010

All my life I have been told to treat people the way you want to be treated. This is something, that can get lost in life. It is a great mantra to have, sometimes life just doesn't allow you to go that route.

Let me share:

I have had a very strained work relationship with a co-worker. She is very ambitous and cut-throat. I am focused on getting the job done, and climbing the ladder based on productivity. which means that I supported this person, even when she was being evil.
She has been
promoted to a higher position, in which she doesn't have complete understanding of the job, especially the technology. So I was assigned to help her get her stuff in order, technology wise. I jumped in.. we have rekindled a relationship that should have always been. She is becoming successful, We are accompishing things.

I have acecpted a new job, and do you know what.....
She is unhappy... She has made it so, that I take her contract with me.. to my new job. And states regularly i cannot do this without you! to upper-management further increasing my worth to the corporation.

Wow!... Remember treat people how you want to be treated, you will have to deal with them eventually.
And please, please, please remember. That God is good.. ALWAYS.

A pearl: think before you speak (a hard, but necessary lesson to learn}, it will decrease the apologies you will have to make.

The Under-Achiever has spoken... what do you have to say.

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