Monday, December 30, 2013

44 things - Bringing in the New Year!

Since this is my 44th year of living I've decided to post the 44 things I've learned.. Some im still working on.. I have "ground hogs day experiences" with others... UGH!! But kept right on getting on... Some are lifes lessons, real experiences.. some I've learned from a good spirtual word. Some I've learned from other people's life lessons, there are movies, songs, books, tv and just all around living.. these are the things I(can I say it.... ) know for sure: 1)God is good 2)The ocean is amazing 3)There is a lesson in every situation 4)I dont hear messages on Sunday for you, I only hear them for ME 5)Silence is a peaceful place 6)I will not always win, but i will always learn 7)A true friend is forever 8)Love nor life is ever simple 9)Laughter is refreshing 10)Everyone has a purpose 11)Children are a blessing 12)Time with core friends is necessary 13)Falling in love is a must 14)Good music is terapudic 15)You mess up, but you can come back 16)Life is a blessing 17)Life should be a no judgement zone 18)Voting is empowering 19)Forgiveness is fullfilling 20)Live life for yourself, youll be much happier 21)Time alone is a gift 22)Learn to stop going where im really not wanted 23)My relationship with God is personal 24)Compete with no one 25)Be better today than you were yesterday 26)Honesty is the best policy,no matter what (even if it hurts) 27)Gladys Knight the best female artist 28)Rise within us by Isreal & New Breed, keeps me grounded 29)Im thankful for every lesson and blessing and ready for more 30)Love is unconditional 31)The devil has many faces and yet, he is still the devil 32)I am not the doctor (i cannot provide healing advice if you aren't listening 33)Earth, Wind and Fire STILL AMAZING 34)A slow dance is so itmate and lovely 35)When people show you who they are believe them 36)There is somethings to be said for 80's music 37)I enjoy spending time alone 38)Being true to myself is rewarding 39)spending time with my core family Sons, Mother, Brother, Sister-In-Law, Nephew and Nieces is so rewarding 39)There is nothing more rewarding than a loving family 40)It doesnt matter where you've been,it matters where your going 41)Save yourself for people who listen and care 42)Everyone isn't a confidant 43)Know who your core people are, they will keep you grounded and support your wildest dreams(could be a team of one, until otherwise assigned) 44)Beleving in yourself isn't easy but necessary. This year, I will begin the real work in the setting up of my non-profit, Im starting small with a scholorship fund for local teen mothers who want to go to college. I'll have a fundraiser within the first quarter - I get excited at the thought of planing it!!!! And YES you are invited. Im following my assignment, purpose, hearts desire and true passion this year... and it will be the greatest year yet!! Im sure of that... On the local side I plan to continue to and grow into what God said.. I will get back into working out, I've been bad over the Holidays, and will get back on track ASAP!! I plan to spend quality time alone, and with my core family this year. I plan to have a photo shoot of those important in my life core friends and family.. I think that'll be fun!I plan to publish another book(or two) so that i can purchase a Harley, I also plan to move forward, no more ground hogs day moments(been there done that, moving on) I plan to just live my life this year.. as i have in the past years BUT BETTER!!!!! What will you do??

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