Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Accountability Partners

I have learned that it helps to have someone who will ensure you reach your goals. Someone who will support you, and challenge you to move forward on your dreams, goals, and in your life. If you have just one, you have a hidden treasure, that must be nurtured and respected. If you have more than one, you should consider yourself blessed.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

This weekend

Do something new this weekend!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

just thought i would share a few lines of Already Home by Jay Z and Kid Cudi. Why? because i have goals.. and i cannot afford to let them go…. and this song always always brings me to my lane… and gets me focused… words, words, words…. The Blueprint III album is a true blueprint.. and that the ONLY time ill give up that secret!!! P.S. i tried to remove all the curse words…. enjoy!! Already Home" (feat. Kid Cudi) [Kid Cudi - Chorus] Oh they want me to fall (fall), Fall from the top (top), They want me to drop (drop) They want me to stop (stop) They want me to go (go), I'm already gone (already) The stuff that I'm on I'm already home (Hey, I'm already home yeah) [Jay-Z] These (people) want me to go, don't they know that I'm gone They know I'm space shuttle level they need oxygen Don't they know that they boring? Don't they know that I yawn, Only time they excited is when they mentioning Shawn You see single white female but she dyed her hair blonde Sometimes I look at these rappers, the movie remind me of them Somebody turn these boys off don't they know that I'm on Can't they see that it's foolish to try and kill me with songs What are they Laurynnn, you Killing me softly You talk me to death, only thing you can do to him I open the door for them, what else can I do? These people want me to walk for them, somebody talk to them Before I go off on them [Chorus] [Jay-Z] I taught 'em about fish scale they want me to fish for them They want me to catch clean, then cook up a dish for them All of this just for them, or they got a diss for him They want me to disappear, like it's gonna SHIFT for them They say that I'm in the way, they want me to sit with them But what they admitting is, they ain't got nothing for him But really the fact is, we not in the same bracket Not in the same league, don't shoot at the same baskets Don't pay the same taxes, hang with the same people So how am I in the way, what is it I'm missing? I been missing, I been gone The stuff that you just witnessed is the what I been on And as for the critics, tell me I don't get it Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it Now they are mad, oh they call me a Camel But I mastered the drought, what I'm an animal Half-man half-mammal My sign is a Sag, this is just what I plan to do Oh don't be mad [Chorus] [Jay-Z] I'm in the hall already, on the wall already I'm a work of art, I'm a Warhol already On another level, on another plane already H-O-V I got my own lane already (already) I done cooked up the rock already So why can't you all get hot already (already) Put your name in the pot already, they compare me to Biggie and Pac already Like I'm gone already and I am, I'm already home already If you all can't already see I ain't worried about you all cos I'm already me Do you already, enough of the complaining boohoos already Eat food already, ain't nothing given you gotta claim your shoes already, Yeah, so in summation I don't know who you racing I'm already at the finish line with the flag waving - c'mon!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just like a kid - Jay Z

It was the best surprise gift ever, tickets to the Jay-Z concert on Thursday January 17th. I was excited and if you've ever seen Jay Z in concert- you understand.. If you have not, and you are a true fan - you must put it on the bucket list!!! He is polarizing, yet down to earth. Jay Z stepped on the stage, every single person in the Verizon center were on their feet… thats right not ONE person was sitting.. the entire concert… I rapped every song, i did every single rap movement… to include a mis-placed run-dmc pose… if we were anywhere else, my niece would've told me i was embarrassing her.. but SHE was into it also.. My most favorite part of the evening was when he left the stage and said "good-night"(i can still hear his voice-hahaha)NOT ONE PERSON MOVED.. my niece said no one is moving.. i said nope because he didn't do "Encore"…. oh yeah.. he came back and did Encore and some more.. that man rapped for 2 hours all in all… Timbaland is his traveling DJ or at least he was the one at the DC show… and Timbaland is amazing.. he performed(played music) during the intermission (jay changing) and NO ONE SAT DOWN… it was a party at the Verizon center.. of all of his beats from Aaliyah Missy, Justin and Jay himself.. he was off the chain… but of course Jay Z pointing out different people in the audience and telling him what he noticed while performing,is a staple. Him saying that if it weren't for us there would be no him… AT EVERY SINGLE show, is a true down to earth performer… I cannot get in all the great parts there are so many..i was like a kid at my first Jay Z concert. i can't wait to go again!!! most likely soon in another city!!!! why - because i am a true jay z fan. you will HAVE to see him for yourself… you'll have a good time- pinky swear… sharing is caring…

Monday, January 13, 2014

In my lane

I decided to start this blog to download/purge things rolling around in my head, making room for creativity. Within the last week i attempted to write about several things id seen or heard happening around me… and then i was hit with the bug - being sick is NO picnic. Over these last few weeks I've seen allot, but this weekend i was able to reflect and put things into perspective. I've known for sometime, and try to practice this myself (but its hard). Staying in my lane and minding my business… with reality shows and real life drama's happening in front of you.. its hard to mind your business and stay in your lane. Life isn't easy for anyone. Living life to your fullest potential (on purpose) is by far the hardest thing in the world to do… but guess what, if we don't try, if we don't put our energy, time and effort into what we are to do.. then how can we get to the potential(the purpose)? No more trying to find out this about a person, or that about a person. No more of placing people into OUR perceived categories, we will never ever get to the purpose. I believe we each have a lane in life.. and my lane isn't your lane. Its MINE.. there can be no competition, there can be no hate, there can be no discussion about me and how i live my life… if you are in you're lane, doing you're thing and getting to your purpose - you'll have no time to focus on others. Focusing on others takes away precious time from your purpose. get focused on your stuff, do you. and the rest will absolutely fall into place.. don't trivialize life by wondering or judging or assuming what others are doing - it only takes time away from your goals?? use time wisely.. focus on you and doing your best. I'm continuing my writings staying in my lane.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Words 001 (Lord of the breakthrough)

I love music- its a family rite of passage to looooooove music! finding meaningful words within a song is so amazing to me, its like the writer peeks into my soul(yes, I'm personalizing this) and says she needs this… so Im sharing with you!! because i care… These words have been my anchor for YEARS - I hope you find these words as meaningful as i have, enjoy! 'Lord of the breakthrough' by Isreal & new breed----->When God Speaks to a people, when he speaks to a house, when he speaks through a Profit , when he speaks through Apostolic voices.. when he speaks through Minister and Psalmist.. I believe he LISTENS for a response. Lets Respond tonight, from the other side. Some of you been pressing for years up nights can't sleep, you feel this anti-you barrier PUSHING DOWN ON YOU, but every time you keep pressing that BARRIER has having to BACKUP, its having to WITHDRAW its a glass ceiling you've been hitting with the top of your head, and instead of getting upset at that glass ceiling and quitting theres a heart rate that drives you.. your calf muscles are getting stronger, your starting to jump again.. regardless of the temporary pain you feel in your head. Regardless of the temporary pain you feel in your body theres a breakthrough - that glass HAS to shatter that wall HAS to come down. I DARE YOU TO RESPOND… IM BREAKING- BREAKTHROUGH… Keep pushing, if its for YOU then you'll get it! can you share a song that does it for you? Sharing is caring. XOXO

Thursday, January 2, 2014

BOOK Recommendation…

I took today off.. couldn't resist doing some work, or at least jotting down what i need to address tomorrow… i get an 'F' in taking off days! I also took the time to re-read 'Daring Greatly' in 30 mins - its an expert summary of the book 'Daring Greatly' both by Brene Brown! Its a great read, freeing. The book discusses self worth not knowing who you are and your worth can cause a cataclysm within our lives. There are so many things i can apply this book to within my life.. Not because my live is a mountain of issues (just its fair share).. but because i always see the lessons, its nice to know how i approach situations(AKA lessons) is due to knowing who i am and my worth. In reading this book, paths to goals become clearer- WHY? because I can see what is necessary to obtain them… In reading this book, people become clearer- WHY? because i know their role in my life and the branches on the apple tree (my definition of friendship tree-Erica Badu)become stable. In reading this book, I'm working on being more open - Why? because it allows me to be who I am suppose to be.. i can continue to wax sentimental on this book, but ill let you read it yourself… I plan to read the original book "Daring Greatly' by Friday. Why did i share this? sharing is caring!!! Do you have a suggestion of life affirming books?? Rosslyn loves to read… keeps my imagination going.. until next time!!!! This entry makes me think of the following words… WORDS: There's a thousand you's. there only one of me… - Words of Kanye West in Stronger..