Monday, January 13, 2014

In my lane

I decided to start this blog to download/purge things rolling around in my head, making room for creativity. Within the last week i attempted to write about several things id seen or heard happening around me… and then i was hit with the bug - being sick is NO picnic. Over these last few weeks I've seen allot, but this weekend i was able to reflect and put things into perspective. I've known for sometime, and try to practice this myself (but its hard). Staying in my lane and minding my business… with reality shows and real life drama's happening in front of you.. its hard to mind your business and stay in your lane. Life isn't easy for anyone. Living life to your fullest potential (on purpose) is by far the hardest thing in the world to do… but guess what, if we don't try, if we don't put our energy, time and effort into what we are to do.. then how can we get to the potential(the purpose)? No more trying to find out this about a person, or that about a person. No more of placing people into OUR perceived categories, we will never ever get to the purpose. I believe we each have a lane in life.. and my lane isn't your lane. Its MINE.. there can be no competition, there can be no hate, there can be no discussion about me and how i live my life… if you are in you're lane, doing you're thing and getting to your purpose - you'll have no time to focus on others. Focusing on others takes away precious time from your purpose. get focused on your stuff, do you. and the rest will absolutely fall into place.. don't trivialize life by wondering or judging or assuming what others are doing - it only takes time away from your goals?? use time wisely.. focus on you and doing your best. I'm continuing my writings staying in my lane.

1 comment:

I2 Design Jewelry said...

Well alrighty then! Well said