Thursday, January 2, 2014

BOOK Recommendation…

I took today off.. couldn't resist doing some work, or at least jotting down what i need to address tomorrow… i get an 'F' in taking off days! I also took the time to re-read 'Daring Greatly' in 30 mins - its an expert summary of the book 'Daring Greatly' both by Brene Brown! Its a great read, freeing. The book discusses self worth not knowing who you are and your worth can cause a cataclysm within our lives. There are so many things i can apply this book to within my life.. Not because my live is a mountain of issues (just its fair share).. but because i always see the lessons, its nice to know how i approach situations(AKA lessons) is due to knowing who i am and my worth. In reading this book, paths to goals become clearer- WHY? because I can see what is necessary to obtain them… In reading this book, people become clearer- WHY? because i know their role in my life and the branches on the apple tree (my definition of friendship tree-Erica Badu)become stable. In reading this book, I'm working on being more open - Why? because it allows me to be who I am suppose to be.. i can continue to wax sentimental on this book, but ill let you read it yourself… I plan to read the original book "Daring Greatly' by Friday. Why did i share this? sharing is caring!!! Do you have a suggestion of life affirming books?? Rosslyn loves to read… keeps my imagination going.. until next time!!!! This entry makes me think of the following words… WORDS: There's a thousand you's. there only one of me… - Words of Kanye West in Stronger..

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