Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It is Encouraging to spend time alone with God. Personal private relationship.
It is Encouraging to live life, according to the word of God. No matter what is going on.
It is Encouraging to spend time with favorite people. Those who love and care about you
It is Encouraging to do things that will get you to your life's purpose. Fulfill the dream.
It is Encouraging to follow RevRunWisdom on Twitter. Never lets you down.
It is Encouraging to follow UncleRush (Russell Simmons) on Twitter. He is always positive.
It is Encouraging to listen to good music. It will change any mood.
It is Encouraging to be still. You can hear and be guided better.
It is Encouraging to listen to successful people. It will help you towards your goals.
It is Encouraging to encourage others. You can only be blessed for it.

No more beginners... just winners...

Hit me with what you find encouraging

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